Universum of over 1000 vibrant colours inspire designers in the Durat showroom
The new Durat showroom, located in downtown Helsinki, celebrates both creativity and circular economy, meeting the ambitions and aspirations of contemporary interior design.
Durat’s solid, sustainable surface materials are manufactured from post-industrial plastics and are 100% recyclable themselves. The showroom presents the surface materials in an environment that serves as a creative toolbox for architects and designers: Durat can provide surface materials in more than 1000 colours and with a wide range of granule sizes and textures, customized to order.
“The new showroom highlights the endless possibilities of Durat materials. It underscores unconventional colour combinations and textures, inviting and inspiring designers to discover their individual ways to use the materials,” says Linda Bergroth. She is the showroom’s designer and an enthusiastic user of Durat materials in her designs.
“The showroom concept is based on creative study and observation of the product anatomy. This is accomplished with disassembled products made from Durat materials. The theme of the showroom is creative presentation in all exhibits, which range from the colour palette to granular patterns to joints and seams. A key objective for the showroom design was to free interior designers’ imagination rather than providing examples of product applications that would put limits to imagination,” Bergroth says.
Among the TOP 5 in the Dezeen Awards list
“It is always exciting to design a venue for other designers,” Bergroth says, pointing out the added excitement in the Durat showroom design provided by Durat products, which give endless possibilities to designers.
She was obviously successful in her work, as the showroom made it into the top five finalists in the category of small retail space in the Dezeen Awards 2022 listing.